Monday, April 26, 2010

The Host

Alright, here is the last novel that I read: The Host by Stephenie Meyer.

I have read all four novels in the Twilight saga by this author prior to reading this novel. To tell you the truth I wasn't really interested in reading the book, however I had some family members mention their reading it, so I thought that I would give it a try.

All in all, it was a good novel. I felt that it was a bit long and that it dragged on in parts. I didn't really get into the book until about 400 pages in, so I felt that I was struggling to get through it in the beginning to get the the interesting parts. And I don't even what to talk about the way that the book ends.

Okay, so it wasn't my favorite book, but there were still some positives of the book. The story line is a unique one, that of "souls" taking control of the human "host' body. It was interesting to see the conflict between the soul, Wanderer, and the human body, Melanie. They find a way in which they can co-habitat in the same body.

As for a recomendation on a scale of 1 to 10, I give The Host a 3. I t would recommend it if someone came looking for a fantasy/sci-fi with romance and a clever twist.